Thursday 26 November 2015

   P.R.A.X.I.S., the way to build a strong team

The word Education comes from the the Latin word ‘EDUCO’ which means to educe, to develop or draw out from within. When we like to see change of results at a personal level, in our company or organization, we have to start from within.

Many companies teach people techniques and it doesn’t mean that these techniques will be expressed in the behavior of it’s staff. However when we start teaching people about how their marvelous mind works and the power which is stored within, the effects will be significant.

Whenever we develop our God-given powers, we will be able to demonstrate a change of behavior. The answer to change lies in the doing not in the knowing. We really have to get to know ourselves better and when we get in touch with our true potential we will feel more confident and are able to act upon it. We will start to believe in what we are capable of doing.

A great quote ot Frankline Right is: “ The thing always happens that you really believe in and the belief in a thing makes it happen”

A strong and creative team can be built by supporting and enhancing each other, with such a team one can accomplish more. Every member of the team has to believe in the vision of the company and we can only achieve this by involving employees in the creation of this designed plan.

The change of limiting beliefs to supportive beliefs is a wonderful start. People can say: “I believe that!” and they still behave like they don’t believe. Beliefs are part of our paradigm, past along in our genes and are part of our conditioning. We have to believe in the company goal at a deep emotional level and only by P.R.A.X.I.S. we will be able to intergrate belief with behavior. 

Start to analyze your beliefs regularly, it will feel like a mental house cleaning. Through constant repetition, the first law of learning, and or an emotional impact results can change. We will realize that by thinking positive thoughts, the right vibration will apear, which will lead to an action. It is the action – reaction that gives a result. Only when your personal or the company goal is being reflected in the results, we know that true belief was internalized.

“ Believe and your belief will actually create the fact!” William James

What do you think you are capable of doing for yourself and your company?
Are you ready to recieve?

Aim high in life, you deserve it!

You can sign in at my website for a webinar….go to and leave your emailaddress here. Thank you!

See you soon.

Jeannette Knoppers.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

How to break through your “Terror Barrier”

As humans we naturally want to grow, we are searching for answers to the questions we have regarding life, relationships and science at different levels. And every time a new idea, fantasy comes up we step out of our comfort zone and start investigating this dream from our conscious mind, we start to reason. There are always two possibilities whenever we entertain this new idea:

  •  We start thinking of how we get this done and we start feeling scared, worry and doubt arises and we hit the terror barrier hard. Our body expresses anxiety which we suppress, we don’t feel at ease. We reject our dream and bounce right back into bondage.


  •  We start acting from understanding through study and feel ourselves confidently moving into the direction of our new idea. We get the feeling of well-being, we accelerate, we feel at ease and we start creating.

 A great quote of Sandra Gallagher is:

“ Fear and growth go hand in hand. When we courageously face the thing we fear we automatically exprerience the growth we have been seeking”

The moment I became aware of my biggest longing (to help the inhabitants in the developing countries and create harmony and understanding between employers and employees) I got scared too. I went to Kenya to visit many big companies with my coaching program, offered my therapy to the kidnapped girls in Nigeria, spoke to Terre des Hommes Kenya and offered my therapy for the minors in the increasing sex industrie, talked to the Ajax Foundation   in Cape Town to empower the talented boys and help them balance mentally by processing their trauma's in life. I received an invitation for the Conference in the Republic Congo / Brazzaville and will provide a 2 days workshop in October this year. I started raising funds for different groups in Kenya, a Widow and Orphan project in Oyugis and The Samba Foundation in Mombasa, this is my fb page: . It feels wonderful and I am grateful.

When I say confidenly I mean faith based on understanding. The question is: How to master this:

  • ·      Be open minded, everything is possible, even flying to the moon.
  • ·      Change your limiting believes about yourself and life into supportive ones.
  • ·      Let go of perfection, start to create and grow better and better.
  • ·      Study the laws of our universe.
  • ·      Master the way your brain functions.

As you know we live from our subconscious mind 95 % each day and when we want to maintain a new idea, we have to get in the right vibration to attract the things we need to finalize this project. Only when we are in tune with the right feeling and positive mindset we are able to create our life. So be careful about what you think and feel, you are feeling and listening. We always have a choice, every time again. A new project excites and scares you at the same time and It doesn’t mean we won’t have set backs, it is more about resilience.

Bob Proctor: “You are here to create…..Step out of your comfort zone, think big!”

Be good to yourself, you deserve it!

Jeannette Knoppers, you can leave your email address at our website: for information about our webinars. 

Wednesday 10 June 2015

How to develop your leading skills.

When we want to have a better understanding of our employees, it’s wise to get to learn ourselves better. Once we have a better understanding of ourselves the way we perceive the company will change. A leader gets challenged to see the good in his or her staff and situation and is open minded to new ideas of the staff which eventually can lead to a quicker way of manisfesting  the company goal. He or she is able give full credit to the person who originated the idea  and to create a powerful team out of a group of individuals. An effecitve leader knows how to organize and is frequently working with a creative iedea which leads in a new direction.

“Leaders are persons who have people following them, because they want to”
Larry Wilson

Many companies frequently schedule a lot of meetings and mostly they take longer than needed. The question afterwards: “Will follow up the agreements made during this meeting?” They can hold on to familiar and in some way relatively safe habits or feel stuck in negative paradigms. Often other issues are rooted at a deep subconscious level, 70 % each day we have negative thoughts and as a result of this we can live a closed minded life. There can be issues in communication, personal problems or a staff member can be a victim of bullying and abuse. As a leader it is good to have a conversation with this person, be understanding and have sympathy. Employess are more willing to talk to a leader when they get the impression of genuine attention and when they notice that their leader is able to offer a solution to their problem.

When we want to get tot the core of an issue or new idea, it’s good to take  a moment of silence right before the start of a discussion. Close your eyes for a short time and take 3 deep breaths in and out, just to get in touch with your true self and ego will vanish. As a leader you will notice that the meeting will be more efficiently. Even great leaders, artists, motivational speakers as Obama, Tony Robbins take some time in silence before they go on stage. So you are in good company when you follow their attitude, there is good in every leader, even ‘the worst’ in our eyes.

“ Employ your time in improving yourself by other people’s writings, so you shall come easily by what other have labored hard for”

What kind of leader are you and what do you like to change?

Jeannette Knoppers

Wednesday 3 June 2015

How do customers perceive your corporate culture?
A company is all about people, when we take people out of the company we just have a building with a lot of stuff in it. People create the company and as individuals we live from our paradigms, everyone with his of her own truth and logic. Our paradigm controls our logic because we are programmed to do things in a certain way. Our logic keeps us in the place where we are now and that is why we often think that new ideas aren’t possible because they don’t sound logical according to our paradigms. In the law of polarity we know that we can have positive results or negative. By changing our paradigm we can get other results. And through repetition of the new paradigm in our subconscious mind the old negative paradigm will be taking over by the new one.

TIR quote: “Paradigms control our behavior, behavior produces results”

When we talk about corporate culture, we mean  a group paradigm. This paradigm is also a multitude of habits and everyone new in the company will become part of the culture. When companies want to raise the bar, improve their results, it is good to know how the staff and leaders think, look, talk about and act in the company. We have to help everyone to dug deep in their subconscious mind in order to get a look at which collective habit pattern needs to be changed.  

“People do not resist change, when it is their choice. People resist being changed:” Michael Basch

For example: When I visit a store and people talk about others in my presence, I know they will talk about me too when I will be gone. It doesn’t give a good feeling and the store can loose customers because of this habit. I always ask myself what is wrong in this firm, why does the staff project their problems at situations and clients? At the other hand when I visit a company where employees take time for me behave friendly and understanding, I will be back frequently. I know and sense that employees get involved in creating a new corporate culture because they are excited and radiate fun.

When the corparate culture starts to change it improves the company and also the life of the individuals in the company. They replace the negative through positive and at a personal level things will improve too. Because of the fact that the company habits changed, the company created a new Image.

Start creating good automatic in your company too and everyone will benefit.

Jeannette Knoppers  You can sign in for my free webinar at the website: and leave your email address for more information.
Thank you!

Tuesday 26 May 2015

#9: How do you see yourself?

A great quote of Dr. Mawell Maltz is:” Self image sets the boundries of individual accomplishment”

Take a good look at yourself and your environment, are you happy with what you see? Or do you like to see other results?
Self image controls everything in your life, the way we walk, love, look, talk, dream, meet and greet the world.
When we have a negative selfimage this will be reflected in our envrionment.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz was a cosmetic surgeon and after surgery he noticed changes in physical appearence and at psychological level, patients felt and acted differently. And sometimes there wasn’t any change to be seen in their behavior.
This gave him the insight that we have 2 images of ourselves:

  1.        The one we show at the outside
  2.     The picture from ourselves we hold on the inside.

The last one will be expressed at the world around us and our results are the
reflection of our selfimage.

Envrionment is the base of our image. For example when we take a girl twin and seperate them when they get born. And one will be raised in a the west of the country in a family who praises the girl and the other girl in a family at the far east of the country who critizes her a lot. The thing we will see is two girls with a very different attitude, self image. The one who was praised will live from confidence, understands herself well and have a good self image and the other one will live from critisism, feel inferior and have a poor self image.

The risk in having a poor self image is that it can be overcompensated in acting fierce and tough or maybe have an attitude of carelessness and live a strategy of avoidance. These people are not really themselves and live a life strategy out of control, insecurity or the urge of gaining love.

The good news is that we can improve upon it, our spiritual DNA is perfect and requires no modification. So let your perfection shine through! Let’s put our conscious mind to work and start writing down what you want to be like in the present tense. There is something wonderful about you, start to love yourself completely, there is power inside of you. Make yourself the STAR in you own movie because this movie is YOUR LIFE! Write out your own script and act upon it….This is how the world will see the new you.

The power of this individual can increase the power in a group of people in a department. Some people in an organization have a positive self image and some don’t. To create a powerful force in a group we need to build a positive self image for every one in this group in order to manifest a team. A team which is able to work in an harmonious and positive way.

If we want to grow the company, make it a powerful force we have to help every member of the team working on the same objective.

TIR:’It is the compound effect which will build a creative team and turn work into fun!”

Jeannette Knoppers,

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Are you a FOLLOWER or a LEADER?

We all were born with many, qualtities and skills already and at the same time we have to realize that we can’t be good in everything. It’s good to be honest to ourselves about this in order to get to know our strongest abilties and to know what can be delegated to others. People who are more specialized in other areas, who have more expertice.

Take a good look at people / leaders you admire, which habits and behaviors would you like to master yourself?

Richard Branson is a good example for me, why do people like to work for him? His answer is:” People are the core of a successful business, give them the freedom to develope themselves so they can start working somewhere else. Treat them that good and they don’t want to work for someone else!”

A great leader is someone people like to follow:

1.    They have a a great attitude.
2.    They know how to work with others.
3.    They have courage.
4.    Have self control.
5.    A keen sense of justice.
6.    Have definiteness of decision and plans.
7.    Do more than they are paid for.
8.    Have a pleasent personality.
9.    Have sympathy and understanding.
10. Are creative.  
11. Have a vision.
12. Are a master of details and know how to delegate
13. Have the willingness to take full responsibility.
14. Can cooporate.

Everyone can develope these skills from within by understanding ourselves first and getting control over ourselves.

To be a good leader we have to be an intelligent follower first.
A great quote of Napolean Hill: “Most great leaders began in the capacity of followers. They became great leaders because they were intellligent followers. With few exceptions, the person who can not follow a leader intelligently cannot become an efficient leader”

Every company needs a good leader because the moral always filters down from the top and not the other way around. When companies tell us they don’t need help, what they are actually saying is that they are in NEED. We just have to take a look at the staff of a company to get an impression of the leader. 

A great quote of the TIR program is:” The goal of most leaders is to get the people tot think highly of them as a leader. But the goal of the exceptional leader is to get the people tot think highly of themselves”

What kind of leader do you want to be? How do you want to treat your employees?