Wednesday 24 June 2015

How to break through your “Terror Barrier”

As humans we naturally want to grow, we are searching for answers to the questions we have regarding life, relationships and science at different levels. And every time a new idea, fantasy comes up we step out of our comfort zone and start investigating this dream from our conscious mind, we start to reason. There are always two possibilities whenever we entertain this new idea:

  •  We start thinking of how we get this done and we start feeling scared, worry and doubt arises and we hit the terror barrier hard. Our body expresses anxiety which we suppress, we don’t feel at ease. We reject our dream and bounce right back into bondage.


  •  We start acting from understanding through study and feel ourselves confidently moving into the direction of our new idea. We get the feeling of well-being, we accelerate, we feel at ease and we start creating.

 A great quote of Sandra Gallagher is:

“ Fear and growth go hand in hand. When we courageously face the thing we fear we automatically exprerience the growth we have been seeking”

The moment I became aware of my biggest longing (to help the inhabitants in the developing countries and create harmony and understanding between employers and employees) I got scared too. I went to Kenya to visit many big companies with my coaching program, offered my therapy to the kidnapped girls in Nigeria, spoke to Terre des Hommes Kenya and offered my therapy for the minors in the increasing sex industrie, talked to the Ajax Foundation   in Cape Town to empower the talented boys and help them balance mentally by processing their trauma's in life. I received an invitation for the Conference in the Republic Congo / Brazzaville and will provide a 2 days workshop in October this year. I started raising funds for different groups in Kenya, a Widow and Orphan project in Oyugis and The Samba Foundation in Mombasa, this is my fb page: . It feels wonderful and I am grateful.

When I say confidenly I mean faith based on understanding. The question is: How to master this:

  • ·      Be open minded, everything is possible, even flying to the moon.
  • ·      Change your limiting believes about yourself and life into supportive ones.
  • ·      Let go of perfection, start to create and grow better and better.
  • ·      Study the laws of our universe.
  • ·      Master the way your brain functions.

As you know we live from our subconscious mind 95 % each day and when we want to maintain a new idea, we have to get in the right vibration to attract the things we need to finalize this project. Only when we are in tune with the right feeling and positive mindset we are able to create our life. So be careful about what you think and feel, you are feeling and listening. We always have a choice, every time again. A new project excites and scares you at the same time and It doesn’t mean we won’t have set backs, it is more about resilience.

Bob Proctor: “You are here to create…..Step out of your comfort zone, think big!”

Be good to yourself, you deserve it!

Jeannette Knoppers, you can leave your email address at our website: for information about our webinars. 

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