Tuesday 19 May 2015

Are you a FOLLOWER or a LEADER?

We all were born with many, qualtities and skills already and at the same time we have to realize that we can’t be good in everything. It’s good to be honest to ourselves about this in order to get to know our strongest abilties and to know what can be delegated to others. People who are more specialized in other areas, who have more expertice.

Take a good look at people / leaders you admire, which habits and behaviors would you like to master yourself?

Richard Branson is a good example for me, why do people like to work for him? His answer is:” People are the core of a successful business, give them the freedom to develope themselves so they can start working somewhere else. Treat them that good and they don’t want to work for someone else!”

A great leader is someone people like to follow:

1.    They have a a great attitude.
2.    They know how to work with others.
3.    They have courage.
4.    Have self control.
5.    A keen sense of justice.
6.    Have definiteness of decision and plans.
7.    Do more than they are paid for.
8.    Have a pleasent personality.
9.    Have sympathy and understanding.
10. Are creative.  
11. Have a vision.
12. Are a master of details and know how to delegate
13. Have the willingness to take full responsibility.
14. Can cooporate.

Everyone can develope these skills from within by understanding ourselves first and getting control over ourselves.

To be a good leader we have to be an intelligent follower first.
A great quote of Napolean Hill: “Most great leaders began in the capacity of followers. They became great leaders because they were intellligent followers. With few exceptions, the person who can not follow a leader intelligently cannot become an efficient leader”

Every company needs a good leader because the moral always filters down from the top and not the other way around. When companies tell us they don’t need help, what they are actually saying is that they are in NEED. We just have to take a look at the staff of a company to get an impression of the leader. 

A great quote of the TIR program is:” The goal of most leaders is to get the people tot think highly of them as a leader. But the goal of the exceptional leader is to get the people tot think highly of themselves”

What kind of leader do you want to be? How do you want to treat your employees?

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