Tuesday 26 May 2015

#9: How do you see yourself?

A great quote of Dr. Mawell Maltz is:” Self image sets the boundries of individual accomplishment”

Take a good look at yourself and your environment, are you happy with what you see? Or do you like to see other results?
Self image controls everything in your life, the way we walk, love, look, talk, dream, meet and greet the world.
When we have a negative selfimage this will be reflected in our envrionment.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz was a cosmetic surgeon and after surgery he noticed changes in physical appearence and at psychological level, patients felt and acted differently. And sometimes there wasn’t any change to be seen in their behavior.
This gave him the insight that we have 2 images of ourselves:

  1.        The one we show at the outside
  2.     The picture from ourselves we hold on the inside.

The last one will be expressed at the world around us and our results are the
reflection of our selfimage.

Envrionment is the base of our image. For example when we take a girl twin and seperate them when they get born. And one will be raised in a the west of the country in a family who praises the girl and the other girl in a family at the far east of the country who critizes her a lot. The thing we will see is two girls with a very different attitude, self image. The one who was praised will live from confidence, understands herself well and have a good self image and the other one will live from critisism, feel inferior and have a poor self image.

The risk in having a poor self image is that it can be overcompensated in acting fierce and tough or maybe have an attitude of carelessness and live a strategy of avoidance. These people are not really themselves and live a life strategy out of control, insecurity or the urge of gaining love.

The good news is that we can improve upon it, our spiritual DNA is perfect and requires no modification. So let your perfection shine through! Let’s put our conscious mind to work and start writing down what you want to be like in the present tense. There is something wonderful about you, start to love yourself completely, there is power inside of you. Make yourself the STAR in you own movie because this movie is YOUR LIFE! Write out your own script and act upon it….This is how the world will see the new you.

The power of this individual can increase the power in a group of people in a department. Some people in an organization have a positive self image and some don’t. To create a powerful force in a group we need to build a positive self image for every one in this group in order to manifest a team. A team which is able to work in an harmonious and positive way.

If we want to grow the company, make it a powerful force we have to help every member of the team working on the same objective.

TIR:’It is the compound effect which will build a creative team and turn work into fun!”

Jeannette Knoppers, www.switchtoresults.com

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