Thursday 26 November 2015

   P.R.A.X.I.S., the way to build a strong team

The word Education comes from the the Latin word ‘EDUCO’ which means to educe, to develop or draw out from within. When we like to see change of results at a personal level, in our company or organization, we have to start from within.

Many companies teach people techniques and it doesn’t mean that these techniques will be expressed in the behavior of it’s staff. However when we start teaching people about how their marvelous mind works and the power which is stored within, the effects will be significant.

Whenever we develop our God-given powers, we will be able to demonstrate a change of behavior. The answer to change lies in the doing not in the knowing. We really have to get to know ourselves better and when we get in touch with our true potential we will feel more confident and are able to act upon it. We will start to believe in what we are capable of doing.

A great quote ot Frankline Right is: “ The thing always happens that you really believe in and the belief in a thing makes it happen”

A strong and creative team can be built by supporting and enhancing each other, with such a team one can accomplish more. Every member of the team has to believe in the vision of the company and we can only achieve this by involving employees in the creation of this designed plan.

The change of limiting beliefs to supportive beliefs is a wonderful start. People can say: “I believe that!” and they still behave like they don’t believe. Beliefs are part of our paradigm, past along in our genes and are part of our conditioning. We have to believe in the company goal at a deep emotional level and only by P.R.A.X.I.S. we will be able to intergrate belief with behavior. 

Start to analyze your beliefs regularly, it will feel like a mental house cleaning. Through constant repetition, the first law of learning, and or an emotional impact results can change. We will realize that by thinking positive thoughts, the right vibration will apear, which will lead to an action. It is the action – reaction that gives a result. Only when your personal or the company goal is being reflected in the results, we know that true belief was internalized.

“ Believe and your belief will actually create the fact!” William James

What do you think you are capable of doing for yourself and your company?
Are you ready to recieve?

Aim high in life, you deserve it!

You can sign in at my website for a webinar….go to and leave your emailaddress here. Thank you!

See you soon.

Jeannette Knoppers.

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