Wednesday 10 June 2015

How to develop your leading skills.

When we want to have a better understanding of our employees, it’s wise to get to learn ourselves better. Once we have a better understanding of ourselves the way we perceive the company will change. A leader gets challenged to see the good in his or her staff and situation and is open minded to new ideas of the staff which eventually can lead to a quicker way of manisfesting  the company goal. He or she is able give full credit to the person who originated the idea  and to create a powerful team out of a group of individuals. An effecitve leader knows how to organize and is frequently working with a creative iedea which leads in a new direction.

“Leaders are persons who have people following them, because they want to”
Larry Wilson

Many companies frequently schedule a lot of meetings and mostly they take longer than needed. The question afterwards: “Will follow up the agreements made during this meeting?” They can hold on to familiar and in some way relatively safe habits or feel stuck in negative paradigms. Often other issues are rooted at a deep subconscious level, 70 % each day we have negative thoughts and as a result of this we can live a closed minded life. There can be issues in communication, personal problems or a staff member can be a victim of bullying and abuse. As a leader it is good to have a conversation with this person, be understanding and have sympathy. Employess are more willing to talk to a leader when they get the impression of genuine attention and when they notice that their leader is able to offer a solution to their problem.

When we want to get tot the core of an issue or new idea, it’s good to take  a moment of silence right before the start of a discussion. Close your eyes for a short time and take 3 deep breaths in and out, just to get in touch with your true self and ego will vanish. As a leader you will notice that the meeting will be more efficiently. Even great leaders, artists, motivational speakers as Obama, Tony Robbins take some time in silence before they go on stage. So you are in good company when you follow their attitude, there is good in every leader, even ‘the worst’ in our eyes.

“ Employ your time in improving yourself by other people’s writings, so you shall come easily by what other have labored hard for”

What kind of leader are you and what do you like to change?

Jeannette Knoppers

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