Tuesday 5 May 2015

When did you leave someone with the impression of increase?

How great it is to get a compliment. It is just a small gesture with wonderful consequences. We are often to busy thinking of ourselves, our work, problems, getting attention by being funny, nagging that we don’t connect at a deeper level and lack interest in the otherone.
In every person or situation there is something good and mostly we are not aware of this in the first place. We can try and look for the good in every situation and every person we get in contact with and   practice this by giving a sincere compliment.

When we express the good we first will feel better about ourselves and the other one will be happy meeting you.
Complimenting a person influences every aspect of abundance in our life such as: relationships, work, success, health and emotional well being.
Ask yourself after every meeting if you left this person with a good feeling about themselves and what changes could be made that will give more benifits. What we send out will come back to us in a thousand ways.

A nice quote of Wallace D. Wattles is:

“Leave every person you come in contact with, with the impression of increase”

Going through the TIR program myself made me aware of the way I communicated with others. Most of the time I was talking and thinking what to answer and now I try to listen really well and give a sincere response. People feel more seen and heard and the connection will improve.

We can practice this and stand like a beacon.
We will be what we think about, so thinking good about the other, the situation will be projected at our life too. It is the circulation of life, a continual flowing around. Attention should be directed rather to the giving than the receiving. 

Thomas Troward said:”We must look upon ourselves, not as misers” chests to be kept locked for our own benefit, but as centers of distribution; and the better we fulfill our function as such centers the greater will be the correspondig inflow”

It is good to bring your mind in harmony with the laws of the universe, which says:” What you put out is what comes back. So give it your best and do things in a certain  and conscious way.

Good luck! I’m very curious about the changes in your life and the results you will gain.

Thanks to the TIR teaching of Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher

Jeannette Knoppers, www.switchtoresults.com

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