Tuesday 12 May 2015

What we know and really do!
At an early age we take in everything through our sensory factors we hear, see, smell, taste and touch for real. The way we hear people talk, what their opinion is about certain topics, see, smell and taste what they eat. This gets embedded in our subconscious mind through repetition. We live from this part of the mind 95 % each day, this is called our programming. The way we are programmed is being expressed through our body by our bahavior and habits.

By observing people we are able to see how they live from their subconscious mind, the place our behavior and habits are stored. It is like living from an automatic pilot system, a pattern. We copy our parents, teachers, the people we were raised by.

A lot of money is spend on educating people in schools and companies and they gather a lot of information. And why aren’t they doing what they got taught to do, through their intellect, their conscious mind? Why aren’t we getting other results, better results after gaining more information?

“ Education does not mean teaching people what they do not know. It means teaching them to behave as they do not behave” :  a great quote of John Ruskin.

And he is right! When we know that our behaviors and habits are stored in our subconscious mind and we want to have other results, we have to be conscious about our paradigm’s first. 

For example: We’d like to shape our body for the summer season and made the resolution to visit the sportschool 3 times a week. We start enthusiastic and after some weeks we skip one time and end up going once a week or no more. We act like a thermostat at home, when the temperature drops the thermostat brings it back at the temperature it was set. It is the same with us, we will go back to the behavior we had regarding sports. And of course we have good reasons doing this but is this helping us and changing our results?

So take a deep look inside and be honest to yourself. Why are you getting the same results over and over again? Where did you start believing in, what is stored in your subconscious mind that you’d like to change?
It can make you feel vulnarable and that is good, only from vulnarability we can be true to ourselves and change our results. Change your non- supportive actions in supportive ones.

Go for it you deserve it!

Jeannette Knoppers, www.switchtoresults.com

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