Tuesday 26 May 2015

#9: How do you see yourself?

A great quote of Dr. Mawell Maltz is:” Self image sets the boundries of individual accomplishment”

Take a good look at yourself and your environment, are you happy with what you see? Or do you like to see other results?
Self image controls everything in your life, the way we walk, love, look, talk, dream, meet and greet the world.
When we have a negative selfimage this will be reflected in our envrionment.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz was a cosmetic surgeon and after surgery he noticed changes in physical appearence and at psychological level, patients felt and acted differently. And sometimes there wasn’t any change to be seen in their behavior.
This gave him the insight that we have 2 images of ourselves:

  1.        The one we show at the outside
  2.     The picture from ourselves we hold on the inside.

The last one will be expressed at the world around us and our results are the
reflection of our selfimage.

Envrionment is the base of our image. For example when we take a girl twin and seperate them when they get born. And one will be raised in a the west of the country in a family who praises the girl and the other girl in a family at the far east of the country who critizes her a lot. The thing we will see is two girls with a very different attitude, self image. The one who was praised will live from confidence, understands herself well and have a good self image and the other one will live from critisism, feel inferior and have a poor self image.

The risk in having a poor self image is that it can be overcompensated in acting fierce and tough or maybe have an attitude of carelessness and live a strategy of avoidance. These people are not really themselves and live a life strategy out of control, insecurity or the urge of gaining love.

The good news is that we can improve upon it, our spiritual DNA is perfect and requires no modification. So let your perfection shine through! Let’s put our conscious mind to work and start writing down what you want to be like in the present tense. There is something wonderful about you, start to love yourself completely, there is power inside of you. Make yourself the STAR in you own movie because this movie is YOUR LIFE! Write out your own script and act upon it….This is how the world will see the new you.

The power of this individual can increase the power in a group of people in a department. Some people in an organization have a positive self image and some don’t. To create a powerful force in a group we need to build a positive self image for every one in this group in order to manifest a team. A team which is able to work in an harmonious and positive way.

If we want to grow the company, make it a powerful force we have to help every member of the team working on the same objective.

TIR:’It is the compound effect which will build a creative team and turn work into fun!”

Jeannette Knoppers, www.switchtoresults.com

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Are you a FOLLOWER or a LEADER?

We all were born with many, qualtities and skills already and at the same time we have to realize that we can’t be good in everything. It’s good to be honest to ourselves about this in order to get to know our strongest abilties and to know what can be delegated to others. People who are more specialized in other areas, who have more expertice.

Take a good look at people / leaders you admire, which habits and behaviors would you like to master yourself?

Richard Branson is a good example for me, why do people like to work for him? His answer is:” People are the core of a successful business, give them the freedom to develope themselves so they can start working somewhere else. Treat them that good and they don’t want to work for someone else!”

A great leader is someone people like to follow:

1.    They have a a great attitude.
2.    They know how to work with others.
3.    They have courage.
4.    Have self control.
5.    A keen sense of justice.
6.    Have definiteness of decision and plans.
7.    Do more than they are paid for.
8.    Have a pleasent personality.
9.    Have sympathy and understanding.
10. Are creative.  
11. Have a vision.
12. Are a master of details and know how to delegate
13. Have the willingness to take full responsibility.
14. Can cooporate.

Everyone can develope these skills from within by understanding ourselves first and getting control over ourselves.

To be a good leader we have to be an intelligent follower first.
A great quote of Napolean Hill: “Most great leaders began in the capacity of followers. They became great leaders because they were intellligent followers. With few exceptions, the person who can not follow a leader intelligently cannot become an efficient leader”

Every company needs a good leader because the moral always filters down from the top and not the other way around. When companies tell us they don’t need help, what they are actually saying is that they are in NEED. We just have to take a look at the staff of a company to get an impression of the leader. 

A great quote of the TIR program is:” The goal of most leaders is to get the people tot think highly of them as a leader. But the goal of the exceptional leader is to get the people tot think highly of themselves”

What kind of leader do you want to be? How do you want to treat your employees?

Tuesday 12 May 2015

What we know and really do!
At an early age we take in everything through our sensory factors we hear, see, smell, taste and touch for real. The way we hear people talk, what their opinion is about certain topics, see, smell and taste what they eat. This gets embedded in our subconscious mind through repetition. We live from this part of the mind 95 % each day, this is called our programming. The way we are programmed is being expressed through our body by our bahavior and habits.

By observing people we are able to see how they live from their subconscious mind, the place our behavior and habits are stored. It is like living from an automatic pilot system, a pattern. We copy our parents, teachers, the people we were raised by.

A lot of money is spend on educating people in schools and companies and they gather a lot of information. And why aren’t they doing what they got taught to do, through their intellect, their conscious mind? Why aren’t we getting other results, better results after gaining more information?

“ Education does not mean teaching people what they do not know. It means teaching them to behave as they do not behave” :  a great quote of John Ruskin.

And he is right! When we know that our behaviors and habits are stored in our subconscious mind and we want to have other results, we have to be conscious about our paradigm’s first. 

For example: We’d like to shape our body for the summer season and made the resolution to visit the sportschool 3 times a week. We start enthusiastic and after some weeks we skip one time and end up going once a week or no more. We act like a thermostat at home, when the temperature drops the thermostat brings it back at the temperature it was set. It is the same with us, we will go back to the behavior we had regarding sports. And of course we have good reasons doing this but is this helping us and changing our results?

So take a deep look inside and be honest to yourself. Why are you getting the same results over and over again? Where did you start believing in, what is stored in your subconscious mind that you’d like to change?
It can make you feel vulnarable and that is good, only from vulnarability we can be true to ourselves and change our results. Change your non- supportive actions in supportive ones.

Go for it you deserve it!

Jeannette Knoppers, www.switchtoresults.com

Tuesday 5 May 2015

When did you leave someone with the impression of increase?

How great it is to get a compliment. It is just a small gesture with wonderful consequences. We are often to busy thinking of ourselves, our work, problems, getting attention by being funny, nagging that we don’t connect at a deeper level and lack interest in the otherone.
In every person or situation there is something good and mostly we are not aware of this in the first place. We can try and look for the good in every situation and every person we get in contact with and   practice this by giving a sincere compliment.

When we express the good we first will feel better about ourselves and the other one will be happy meeting you.
Complimenting a person influences every aspect of abundance in our life such as: relationships, work, success, health and emotional well being.
Ask yourself after every meeting if you left this person with a good feeling about themselves and what changes could be made that will give more benifits. What we send out will come back to us in a thousand ways.

A nice quote of Wallace D. Wattles is:

“Leave every person you come in contact with, with the impression of increase”

Going through the TIR program myself made me aware of the way I communicated with others. Most of the time I was talking and thinking what to answer and now I try to listen really well and give a sincere response. People feel more seen and heard and the connection will improve.

We can practice this and stand like a beacon.
We will be what we think about, so thinking good about the other, the situation will be projected at our life too. It is the circulation of life, a continual flowing around. Attention should be directed rather to the giving than the receiving. 

Thomas Troward said:”We must look upon ourselves, not as misers” chests to be kept locked for our own benefit, but as centers of distribution; and the better we fulfill our function as such centers the greater will be the correspondig inflow”

It is good to bring your mind in harmony with the laws of the universe, which says:” What you put out is what comes back. So give it your best and do things in a certain  and conscious way.

Good luck! I’m very curious about the changes in your life and the results you will gain.

Thanks to the TIR teaching of Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher

Jeannette Knoppers, www.switchtoresults.com