Tuesday 14 April 2015

 #10 ways to maintain your purpose in life.

When you discovered your goal, uncovered were you are good at, opened up your unique talents, the reason why you are here and the realisation of your uniqueness, how will you maintain your Lifepurpose?

The answer is:” By ‘feeding’ it every day!”

Some examples of how to do this are:

  1.  Make a mood board by cutting and glueing pitcures expressing your Lifepurpose. Put it on the wall or ceiling, a place where you can see the pictures often. One picture is worth a 1000 words!
  2.  Write down your goal in detail in the present tense. Where do you want to be in 3 years from now? What do you like to have, do, see, create, live, how do you want to serve humanity and how does it feel?
  3.  Make a goal card from this detailed goal with your concisely shown worthy ideal. Put it in your pocket or bag and every time you touch it you will be reminded of you Life Purpose.
  4.  Make a recording of your goal in detail and play it as much as you can.
  5. Create a MindMovie (http://www.MindMovies.com) a wonderful way to see your purpose while working at your computer.
  6.  Put your worthy Ideal at the the screen of your computer so you can read it every day.
  7. Before you go to bed, read your detailed Life Purpose. Your subconscious will work on it at night and install it in your system.
  8. Do this again immediately after you wake up so you will feel energized in accomplishing your goal.
  9. Write down your worthy Ideal 25 times each morning before you get out of bed and 25 times each evening before you go to sleep. It will inspire your ambition which is the fuel to move forward to your dream.
  10. See that your goal is a reality already and feel it. Most of us think that it is the Law of attraction and it really is the Law of vibration. Our emotions, feelings create our world. So be careful with your thoughts, feelings and actions, you are the one who is listening and acting.

And above all: “YOU HAVE TO HUNGRY”  as my mentor Les Brown always tells us. “LOVE YOURSELF, YOU HAVE GREATNESS WITHIN! “

Jeannette Knoppers


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