Tuesday 21 April 2015

#6  questions to get aware of your non supportive habits

Our attitude is built up by a multitude of habits. Most of the time we live on autopilot and do our daily stuff automatically. Often we’re not aware of our bahaviour and habtis and they can keep us away from the results we really want out of life. We all have 24 hours each day and why is that some get successful and others get lost?

When I think of my own behaviour there are also a few who can be improved. For example my internet use. When I open FB, email in the morning or any other time of the day, I can lose time reading, clicking posts and answering messages. After some time I realize that I had to accomplish other, more important tasks, first. And at least 45 minutes more are gone.

Ask yourself these 6 questions:

1.    Are you aware of your behaviour and your habits?
2.    Which of them aren’t supportive?
3.    Through which of them you won’t get the results you really want?
4.    In what way do these behaviours and habits create distraction in your life?
5.    How do you lose time?
6.    Do you have an action list?

Take 2 pieces of paper, one for the NON SUPPORTIVE ones and one for the SUPPORTIVE ones. Again close your eyes for 4 or 5 minutes, breath in through your nose and longer out through your mouth. Be in silence for this time and be honest to yourself.
Write all these non supportive ones on a piece of paper and write down the way you like to see them changed in supportive ones, on the other paper.
Burn or tear the paper with not supportive ones apart, it is symbolic. Stick the supportive ones on a wall of your office, somewhere you can read them often. It helps you to remind of your new intentions.

It takes 21 till 30 days to change a habit, so start with one or two first. Every time you fail, start over again. Discipline, dedication and perceverance are required to fulfill your goal. And when you feel stuck….read your vision, look at your moodboard, listen to your recording or what ever you made and you will feel more motivated and inspired.

Know that you are born perfect, with a great reservoir of infinite potential. Believe in yourself and your future goal

Jeannette Knoppers, www.switchtoresults.com

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