Wednesday 8 April 2015

How many LIMITING BELIEFS do you have?

We all recognize this: ‘the voice inside our head’ This voice produces stories we start to believe in, we make it our truth. And the question is:” Is it really the truth, can we think for someone else and are our emotions maybe playing tricks on us? What is this voice telling us about ourselves, the situations we get in, how do we perceive the world? 

Some examples are:

   I’m not good enough or beautiful enough.
   I’m to young or to old.
   There is not enough time to do this.
   I don’t have the energy.
   Just act normal it’s already crazy enough.

According to Bruce Lipton, the writer of the book: ”The biology of belief”, these beliefs are the programming of our educators, the people who raised us during the first 6 years of our life: our parents, grandparents, teachers, etc. These are beliefs of someone else, stored in our subconscious and we took them as the truth and live from it every day over and over again. Ninety five percent of the time we live from our subconscious and even the organs in our body get directed by this layer. Great isn’t it! Due to every experience we perceive, we react from our programming created by the beliefs of others.

When we are dissatisfied with our results, it is good to take a look at our unsupportive beliefs which are holding us back from the one we really want to be. It’s important to stop the voice in our head telling us why we can’t do the things we need or want to do in order to live our dream, our goal in life. Change the not supportive beliefs in supportive, healthy and stimulating ones.
Take 2 pieces of paper and close your eyes for 5 min. Take 3 deep breaths in through your nose and longer out through your mouth. Be in silence, get in touch with yourself and ask yourself:

   How do I really see myself, what am I telling about myself?
   How do I feel about my work, relationships?
   How do I perceive the world?    
   Do I really speak for myself or am I trying to fit in?

Open your eyes and write out all of these unhealthy, unsupportive and limiting beliefs. Burn them, this gives a feeling of inner cleaning. Take the other paper and write down new supportive, healthy and stimulating beliefs. Beliefs which will inspire you to live your vision. Put them on the wall, mirror or whatever is good for you, a place where you are able to read them frequently. It helps you to feel good about yourself and implement the action steps.

Go for it, you are worth it!

In gratitude to Brandon Bays, my mentor in “The Journey” and Bob Proctor, my mentor in Life Success Coaching, the Six Minutes to Success and Thinking Into Results.

Jeannette Knoppers,

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