Tuesday 24 March 2015

#5 questions to discover your real goal in life

#5 Questions to discover your real goal in life:

The choice of living your real goal in life in one of the most difficult things. Often we feel torn between the voice in our head and the longing from our heart. Mostly we are employed in a job we don’t like for years and do we have obligations towards our Family. We bought a house, have to take care of children we feel responsible for.
All these facts can hold us back living our vision in life.

Do you like to change your life? Are you fed up with the every day routine? 
Ask yourself these 5 questions:

1.   What is my WHY in life?
2.   Where do I feel passioned about?
3.   How do I want to serve humanity?
4.   How do I want to look back at the life I lived?
5.   What is really important to me?

The only thing we have to do is to stop the voice inside our head telling us the counter arguments of why a different life is possible. Be in the moment, The NOW, and start dreaming again. Let go of the thoughts how to realize this and allow all limiting thoughts to leave your mind.

Get a piece of paper and divide it in 2 areas: one for a personal goal and one for a corporate goal. Get in touch with yourself by closing your eyes for 5 minutes and take 3 deep breaths in through your nose and longer out through your mouth. Be in silence and put off all devices which can district you.

Than after 5 minutes open your eyes and let your creatieve mind flow down on this piece of paper. Feed your vision by reading it to yourself every evening before you go to bed and every morning you wake up.

Congratulations for the start of change in your life, you did it!

Jeannette Knoppers